So much to do

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I had so much I wanted to do today and I’ve touched on nearly all of it.

I started appliquéing the flowers on my Blossom quilt this morning. Before starting though I thought I’d better give my machine a good cleaning; once that was done I oiled it and changed the needle. I had the background squares cut at the Guild last Tuesday but it took longer than I remembered to pull out the basting and paper pieces from the flowers. As a result I only managed to get two done before lunch. I’m using a blanket stitch which doesn’t take long once you are started on it.

Late in the morning I had a message from a woman on Facebook who was looking for wooden embroidery hoops. I first saw the post when I was travelling and said if she could wait until I was home I’d check what I had. Because we aren’t friends, I hadn’t seen her personal message to me so she sent another one today through the original post. We were able to sort things out; I have what she needs and she will come by tomorrow to pick some up. I had the hoops set out for the cancelled Spring Stash Sale so it was easy to lay my hands on them.

I almost finished my book last night and, when I turned out my light, I promised myself some time in the hammock today to get it done. On an earlier trip to the basement this morning I picked another book from the shelf to read next – it is over 1,300 pages so it may last me through the rest of the summer!

We are invited to a vegan pot luck tomorrow to celebrate a birthday. I ran my salad recipe by a vegan-friend and she suggested only one change – agave syrup rather than honey. I needed a few other things as well so I went out to the store to pick them up. Among other things I brought home a couple of pie crusts; Pat picked quite a few apples yesterday and I think I’ll make them into a pie. I’ll wait until morning to do it though as, at this time of day, the house is hot enough. I’ve been thinking of apple pie and cheddar cheese all day.

With what is left of the afternoon I will pick up my cross stitching and move on to knitting tonight. Pat may go to the movies (Star Wars) but I’m not interested so, if he goes, it is chance for me to catch up on some of the shows he watched on Netflix while I was away.