Cranberries and cards

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It was my plan to work on some cards today and, for the most part, that is what I did. I didn’t make as much progress and I would have liked for a couple of reasons.

The board members at Cranberry Hall seem to be dropping like flies. In the meantime I’m struggling to find someone who knows who made deposits to the account in my absence and finding someone to sign some cheques. We were supposed to have a meeting tonight but no one seemed to remember and, of course, everyone is busy now with something else. I had to meet one of the board members at the bank and I’ve been exchanging e-mail all day with several other members. Have I got myself tangled up in yet another “one of those boards”?

I had two card tops finished and expected half a day’s work to get them quilted and bound. They were both appliquéd so it seemed to me that it would be a quick job to finish them but it wasn’t. First I tried to use the zigzag stitch on Ruby but she wasn’t having anything to do with it. After trying and trying I eventually gave up and used the blanket stitch. I know Pearl does a good job with zigzag so I’ll revert to her when I need those stitches done; it is actually nice to have something that my small machine does better. The first card had so many pieces to stitch around that it was noon before I had that one done.

I finished the quilting and binding this afternoon and I’ve got both cards ready for hand stitching tonight. There is still a bit of time left in the afternoon so I think I’ll pull a few patterns and fabrics and get a head start on my September cards – I know there are a lot of them.