Sunday, May 1, 2016
I got back to business with my Farmer’s Wife Sampler blocks. Only two finished today, but I have four more kitted and ready to take to the Mount Washington Retreat next weekend.

These two blocks were not easy. Can you count how many pieces there are in the one on the left? There are 40 pieces in that one block. And what was I thinking when I picked fabric for the one on the right. Stripes AND cuttings at a sixteenth of an inch!
I’m a little concerned about the Retreat next weekend. There has been no information forthcoming about the plans, but I know the person organizing it has said I’m on the list. I know that some people who went last year aren’t going this time around – Mother’s Day weekend, other travel plans and the Guild’s retreat last weekend have cut into our numbers. I’m making plans for projects to take so I’ll be ready if the information comes through at the last minute.
Now about this crazy business. One of the blogs I follow mentioned a “May is for Makers” group. The woman leading this movement says that with all the free tutorials and patterns we get from the web perhaps we should be considering paying-back by purchasing patterns if for no other reason than to support the pattern makers. Her plan is to purchase one pattern each week during the month of May. I get the majority of my patterns for free and just this morning I downloaded a tutorial for a sashing method that I’m very excited about and will use for my Farmer’s Wife quilt. Since I already have a pattern bookmarked from Craftsy I think I will make this one purchase at least. I have a couple of quilting books in my Amazon wish list as well so I’m probably set for the month.
So how could I be crazier? Another blogger that I follow suggests joining Stitch Maynia. The object here is to start a new cross stitch project every day for the first fifteen days of May. Now that’s crazy!