Tuesday, March 15, 2016
I haven’t posted for a couple of days and here’s why.
Sunday afternoon was the Song Circle that Pat hosts. After turning our clocks forward on Saturday night it was 1 AM before we were headed to bed. That meant we slept late on Sunday so there wasn’t much morning by the time we had everything packed up for the afternoon session. It was late by the time we were home and I didn’t do anything meaningful in the evening.
Yesterday we took the morning ferry to the Island; Peggy and Bill met us. The weather cooperated and we had a nice walk through a new park that has been opened over there – one that includes a suspension bridge. We had a leisurely lunch, a short visit at Peggy and Bill’s place and then we were on the ferry home. I had my ukulele club in the evening so again, there was nothing accomplished after I got home.

After working all last week on a big quilt it was nice to work on something smaller today at the bee. I finished the latest Block of the Month for the Guild; my latest Splendid Sampler block is done except for the embroidery work which I hope to finish tonight.
I had time to do a bit of work on a couple of minis. I intended to make only one mini as a contribution to the Hands Across the Water event in the fall, but I forgot that two sets of squares make two half-square triangles and, since I had twice as many as I needed before I realized my mistake, I’ll make one for myself as well.
My main project for the next few evenings will be hand quilting my Itty Bitty Sampler.