Friday, January 22, 2016

I started the hard part of quilting my chair cover. I wanted to use the piece as my book review for the next meeting so I borrowed a Vines and Leaves DVD from the Guild library. I watched the first chapter a couple of times and then decided I couldn’t put it off any longer. I made my first curve using Carola’s flexible ruler but quickly decided my free-hand curves were curvaceous enough (the point the author kept making was that you wanted curvaceous curves). It hasn’t been easy but I’m almost finished and I’m okay with what I’ve done.
Why lucky? On the very last bit of the centre I ran out of thread. I’m using a variegated green and although I have other variegated green threads they aren’t the same type. I checked Lainey’s website and it shows that she still has some of the thread I’m using so I’ve put in an order. If the website is wrong I can switch to another thread but I’m hoping to finish it with all the same.
The most important thing I’ve learned today though is that I need much more practice before this technique is used for anything that will actually been seen by the public! I can only get better (if I don’t quit).