Wednesday, January 13, 2016
I usually quilt projects when I have a three day stretch with no outside engagements; the only project that was ready to sandwich was a lap-sized donation quilt.
I had my Sticks and Stones in black spread over several surfaces so I decided it was time to finish sewing the blocks and then decide on an arrangement. I took all the blocks to the kitchen table; Pat was at a massage and I thought that after I set everything out he could give his quick approval (or changes) when he came home. After laying out several options I gave up completely; nothing looked good to me.
Next I started work on a UFO that needed borders added; I worked on this last fall at the Texada retreat but I haven’t touched it again since. The borders were cut but it wasn’t an easy job to get it stitched on without losing some of the points. I may not be any better at sewing blocks with the proper points, but I think I’m getting better at fudging it after the fact. I had a plan for where this quilt was going but Pat decided he wants it for the wall in the bedroom; I’m always happy when someone wants something I’ve made.

By this point there was no getting around it; I had to figure something out with those black Sticks and Stones blocks. We need a cover for the back of Pat’s TV chair in the basement so that was arrangement number one. With the leftover blocks and a few extra strips and squares I designed a table topper that the Guild can use for their event.

At the end of my arranging there were two blocks left so I added them to the chair cover. It is longer than it needs to be but what are you going to do with two extra blocks?