Tuesday, January 5, 2015
I was afraid I’d sleep late this morning so I set my alarm last night – I hate to be late on a sewing day! When my alarm came on they were reporting the temperatures and they said it was -7 outside. I expected another cold and sunny day. What I got was a bit different. It started to snow about 11 AM and by 1:30 most of the bee ladies were packing up and heading home. The road from Cranberry to Westview was a bit slippery but I took my time and I was fine. The snow is still coming down quite heavily but someone said it is to rain tomorrow so it will all be washed away; I hope they are right!
Yesterday I finished all my projects for the Guild meeting on Thursday so I had a fresh start for sewing today. I had one more block to finish on my Itty Bitty block project so I printed out the directions and assumed I was done. But before I packed everything up to take with me I laid out the blocks and I realized I was short two four-inch blocks. I found a couple that will fit in nicely and printed those patterns off as well.
My second project was my strip quilt that I worked on at one of the Guild classes; at the end of the class I wasn’t at all happy with my colour choices. I spent an evening last week taking all the blocks apart and today’s task was to stitch the black background ones together with their white squares. I also dug out a new Leader and Ender project that I thought I could get started on while I sewed those strips back together.

As usual I had too much to work on and I never got started on my second project. I finished two of the bitty blocks but decided to leave before the third was started. I may have a chance to get it stitched this afternoon; these blocks are hand pieced so they don’t go as quickly as they would if I was machine stitching them. I enjoy the hand stitching – at least I keep telling myself that.
I had a couple of stops I intended to make on my way home this afternoon but those errands will have to wait until tomorrow. I had another parcel ready for the mail and I was going to go back to the fabric store to look at a few more fabrics before the stock was completely gone. The shop is on what is known as “Heart Attack Hill” though so I thought it was best to stay away from there in a snowstorm!