Maybe not such a good idea

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Last night’s dinner was great – good food and good company at our table. I bid on a few things in the Silent Auction – a basket of goodies from Quality Foods, another basket from Gourmet Infusions (a local shop I’d not even heard about), and tickets to an upcoming evening of gypsy jazz music by Christine Tassan et les Imposteures. I watched the Gourmet Infusions basket go beyond a price I wanted to pay, and the fellow at the table next to ours won the Quality Foods basket. I was thrilled when the organizer brought me the two tickets to the show – quite a deal for $30 when an individual senior ticket cost $27. Pat had already volunteered to work the show to get free admission so I’ll be able to invite someone to go with me, unless Pat decides not to work and come as my guest.

I spent most of the morning doing some research and testing for the recipe book I’m doing for the Guild. After I had a few options ready to take forward I realized almost all the recipes were given in standard measurements (cups, teaspoons, tablespoons). There is an option in my program to convert them to metric so I thought I should get the opinion of the people in charge. I’ve only heard back from one of them but she feels strongly that it should be metric, although she says we could include the standard measurement in brackets. That will add another level of complexity to the project (for me) but I guess since she is the committee chair I’ll have to do it her way.

I’ve been working on my miniature quilt this afternoon. I’m not sure it was such a great idea to start keeping track of the time I take to do a project. So far I’m into this project for about six and a half hours and there is still lots to be done. Although I knew it was going to involve a lot of knots and ends to be buried, I’m using a cross-hatch on the centre of the piece; usually a magazine will say “Quilt as desired” but the photo for this one showed some of the quilting so I decided to follow it as closely as I could. I’m still going to have to do some research to find something to do in the piano-key border. I can assure you it will not involve a lot of ends!

We usually go to our film series on Wednesday nights but we both want an evening at home so we’ll go to the afternoon show tomorrow. I’m ready to start a new knitting project tonight and we have a new TV series to watch; I borrowed the first season of True Detective from the library.