Wednesday, September 30, 2015
I had a sewing class this afternoon so my first task of the day was to clean and oil my machine; I also changed the needle. Once that was done I had to cut some fabric for the class but that didn’t take long. I found a couple more Hallowee’en patterns and then moved on to burying the ends in some knitting projects.

The class this afternoon was up the street at the fabric shop. I learned how to make a coil bowl. I have seen ladies at the Guild making these and expected it would be much more difficult. Now that I know the technique I can make all sorts of things – coasters, hot pads, bags or more bowls. The most time-consuming part of the process was wrapping the cord; the most difficult part of making more will be finding the cord!
While I was at the shop I picked up a bit more Hallowe’en fabric and my September Block of the Month. The block has a Hallowe’en theme so I may rethink the patterns I picked out this morning. I signed up for another class at the end of October – Chenille. I have a pattern that uses chenille so when I saw the class I thought it would be a good way to learn the technique before starting that project.
I’m certainly enjoying not having commitments and trying to fit my own things into someone else’s schedule.