This pattern was introduced at the first Mini Meez meeting; two of the group were making it but I decided to pass and worked on something else. By the second meeting another person had made one and it was introduced as “putting her own spin on the pattern”. I decided it would be a good way to use up some of my pre-cut squares so moved forward with it. I pieced the top at the Mount Washington retreat.
I used one of the templates from the book 501 Quilting Motifs for the larger squares, and stitch-in-the-ditch and cross-hatching for the rest.
I like my miniatures to teach me something, so I used a two colour binding on the project. It was simple to do and I’ll use it again. I often don’t match my quilt top to the backing and then deciding on a binding is an issue. Not with this technique.
I’ll probably offer the quilt for sale at the 2015 craft sale; if it doesn’t sell I’ll likely add it to my doll carriage.