Sunday, August 2, 2015
I’m really having a hard time getting back to “normal” after such a wonderful week with my family.
I hardly slept at all last night; on the upside I got quite a bit of my book read! I mowed the grass first thing this morning; I wanted to get it done before it got too warm. When it was done I spent a little time in the yard cleaning up some of the plants. I dead-headed the daisies and clipped a few dahlias that were past their prime. Then, in order to fill up the trash bag I emptied a few of the hanging pots that never got used this year.
After a shower and a couple of loads of laundry I made my way upstairs. I did some rearranging in the playroom; with two chairs in there now I think that space will become my knitting/crochet/cross stitching space. I still have a bit of rearranging to do in my sewing studio but I’ve yet to turn on my sewing machine. I finished off the morning with some of Pat’s accounting and some Guild Library work.
This afternoon I’ve gone through my e-mail; I still have a pile of paperwork to go through but at least I can see the bottom of the pile. If I work hard for the rest of the afternoon I may be able to clear it up.