Monday, July 20, 2015
Another day spent rearranging. I decided this morning that I was going to tidy up and not move anything around since I didn’t have a clear ida of where things would go. That idea lasted about ten minutes! I couldn’t see myself getting everything tidied and then, a week or so down the road, taking it all apart again to get it the way I want it. So far the spaces I’ve rearranged are working.
The sewing side of the studio was pretty much sorted out, aside from needing to put a few piles away and making a few trips out to the recycle bin. I moved a dresser from my sewing room into the cutting/kids side, and I moved my CD cabinet (that I use to store fat quarters) into my sewing area. For the most part all my fabric is now on my sewing side. I can see where I want everything to go and my fingers are crossed it all fits. It still feels like I’m moving a pile from one spot to another spot and then to another spot because some essential piece of the puzzle isn’t in place yet.
I’ve always had one too many chairs in my studio space; I have Virginia (who was a wedding gift to Mum and Dad from Uncle Vic and Aunt Daisy) as well as the rocking chair that I rocked all my babies (and a few of my grand babies) in. There is also a glider rocking chair that Pat bought for me when I became a grandmother, and a wing-back chair that belonged to Diane’s Mum (which I really like). I rearranged the spaces so I had one chair in my cutting/kids room and three chairs on my sewing side; that third chair looked odd but I didn’t see another option.
Late this afternoon Pat ventured upstairs to see how things were going. We started to talk about the chairs and we decided we could move the glider rocker down to the living room. Good idea, but that led to rearranging the living room furniture. It never ends when we start moving things. The living room looks good but Pat and I may be fighting over the glider!
Now I’m back to my studio area. With the chair gone I can move one chair out of my sewing space and maybe, just maybe, have room to squeeze in my cutting table along one wall. As yet my cutting space and my pressing space are undefined, but I’m working on that!