Friday, June 5, 2015
My first task this morning was to finish the embroidery on Block 2 of Elizabeth’s house. It has taken me almost two weeks to do this block; although I wanted to call it quits as soon as the last stitch was in place I decided to go back a bit and replace some of the stitching I had done earlier. I am far from perfect, but I think over the course of the block I improved on some of the stitches so I wanted to redo a few lines. I took a quick look at Block 3 and it doesn’t appear to involve as much embroidery work!

I needed to get a couple of cards in the mail and I had a Guild deposit to make so I did those few errands before a late lunch. As well as the Guild deposit I had to send off our Annual Report to the government, along with a cheque of course. As I was sorting receipts and stuff from last night’s meeting, the head of the library committee was busy e-mailing and asking about decisions we should make and how we should proceed. Maybe this library “thing” isn’t as simple as I thought.
My last finish for the day was the quilting on the second set of placemats. I would have liked to have had time to do a bit more work on my mini fans but it is almost supper time. I’ll do some crocheting this evening.