Lots of new faces

Monday, May 25, 2015

I worked the BOND lunch today and was surprised at all the new faces; in fact the first new face was a new volunteer that I was training. The new volunteers always spend at least one week shadowing someone with experience. I am their oldest volunteer (in more ways than one); it was an easy meal and it was even easier with help. Julie is now the fifth volunteer in the program so it will be a lot easier to fill the weeks especially through the summer. With the new volunteers I haven’t been working nearly as much so there were lots of new faces around the lunch table.

A few Mums have graduated but there were at least as many new expectant Mums I hadn’t met. One of the Mum’s who hasn’t yet graduated will be with us for awhile longer as she is expecting again; she laughed and said it was the food that keeps her pregnant! Among the new faces were twin boys, just a month old. Their Mum has a two-year old and a four-year old at home; I wanted to find her a quiet corner so she could take a nap. I got to hold one of the boys, but I couldn’t tell you which one; I don’t feel too bad as the family has already mixed them up once. One boy weighs more than the other so Public Health came and weighed them and got them back on track. I’d be so paranoid!

I think it will be an early night for me. I’m always tired on a BOND day and we had a late night last night finishing off a season of Torchwood.