Friday, May 22, 2015

Many of the blogs I read feature a Finish-It-Friday post. Readers are invited to link up with their own finishes. Seldom have I had anything finished on a particular day but today, were I so inclined, I could show them my finish.
I had a nice long chat with Diane this morning. We don’t talk often enough, although we exchange e-mail at least once, and often more times, during the day. She lamented that she doesn’t make things because she has no use for them; I put a stop to that by sending her a pattern that I wanted to make for myself but never seem to get around to. She accepted the challenge; soon my desktop and sewing table will be decorated with some very useful accessories that have come from her.
I showed you the unfinished Scottie dog I made as a gift for our Guild president on her 65th birthday. Her birthday, the last Guild meeting of the year, and the end of my term on the Executive seemed like a good reason to celebrate. I got it stuffed today and I hope to pass it to her anonymously at the next meeting.
I’m headed out to the back deck now to read. My May book is done so I can make a dent in the stack of more recent books that sit by my bedside. The Girl on the Train is one that Kathryn passed to me (and don’t worry Kathryn, it will get a good review)!