Thursday, May 14, 2015
I was up early this morning and had time to package up a couple more projects for the weekend. I realize I probably won’t have time for everything, but they are things I need to be doing over the next few weeks so even if I don’t touch them at the retreat I have a head start on them when I get home.

All these pieces (on the left) are for another miniature quilt; everything came from my scrap drawers.
This pile (on the right) will become a birthday card. I’m happy to be using some of my strings for this project.
And just in case I run out of things to do, I stuck in the appliqué pieces that I need for my Frozen quilt. Frozen will become my Tuesday project now that the tablecloth is pieced.
It was a quiet shift at the Red Cross; I was out the door right at two and, on the way home, I stopped to pick up a few groceries that I need to take to the retreat. Tomorrow I will pack up my tools and thread, clean my machine, and pack my suitcase.
Pat has a board meeting at the house tonight so, while I’m downstairs out of the way, I hope to finish the final pair of socks for the Calgary crew.