Wednesday, April 29, 2015
I finished quilting the last Mother’s Day project this morning. I thought I would move ahead and get the binding done for all three but I realized I needed a birthday card for tomorrow so that took priority.
One of the Guild members, and the owner of the newest fabric shop in town, is celebrating her 60th birthday tomorrow and I want to take her a card. She has invited everyone for cake and 30% off her fabrics, because 30 is the age she’d rather be! I have something I need from her shop so I’ll stop in after my Red Cross shift.

I had four very small Flying Geese units on my design wall. They were the result of me trying to figure out the math on another block I was doing; if your interested I never managed the math hence the four units. I stitched them up very quickly into a card for Deb. It’s good to have a few piece lying around!
I spent the rest of my sewing time working on a few more card tops. May is quite a busy month for cards.