It serves me right

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Yesterday I bragged about what great weather we were having. Today started out cloudy and we’ve moved into rain. It was a good day to be inside sewing though and that is exactly what I was doing.

Today was the bee and the room was full of laughs as we retold stories from the weekend retreat. No details though as we always say, “What happens on Texada stays on Texada”.

I made some progress on my tablecloth; the mystery quilt is no longer a mystery and I’ve never intended it as a quilt. I have the first of three borders attached. It fits the table perfectly, but I’m going to add at least one more border before I say it’s done. I’m already looking ahead to quilting it; the suggestion today was to use flannel rather than batting and now I’m wondering if I use flannel do I need to have a cotton backing as well.

Leaders and EndersAs Stacia and Deloise may know I’m a follower of Bonnie Hunter’s Leaders and Enders. I have over a hundred four patches made and today I started adding bricks to the side. A good day of sewing means a lot of leaders and enders and I’m beginning to see how this might work out.

I worked on Madison’s socks last night and I’ll get back to them tonight.