Impromptu Party

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pat had a day full of music to celebrate his birthday yesterday; a standing music get-together with friends in the morning, a vocal workshop in the afternoon and a concert in the evening. I invited a couple of couples over for cake after the show but we saw lots of other friends at the concert so we ended up with almost a dozen people back at the house. We’re all showing our age though as everyone was home by midnight.

Although I had a lot of work to get done today I would have slept in had I not been disturbed by the lawn-mowing crew at work at City Hall at eight this morning. I finished cutting out a few pieces I need for the quilting weekend, and then I reorganized and cleaned out my sewing tool kit. I was hoping to have fewer “things” to take with me, but I think I’ll end up with the same number just in a different configuration.

I was longer than I wanted to be at my Red Cross shift; that should come as no surprise though. When I was done I stopped in at the 4th floor as we have two Guild members in hospital. One was sleeping when I arrived, but the other one was in the lounge area. We had a chat and then I stopped back to see Gwen; she was with the nurse so I didn’t do more than say hello and wish her well. I would be sharing the house with her at the retreat if she were well enough to be going. At the bee on Tuesday we jokingly said we should open a quilters ward at the hospital.

I picked up a few groceries on my way home. I need to take my own lunches and breakfasts for the weekend, as well as an appetizer for sharing on Friday night. I’ll make a large bean dip and hope there will be enough left for lunch on Saturday. We’ll go out to the restaurant for dinner on Saturday night.

I’ll make my dip tonight and get everything sorted out and loaded into the car tonight. I’d like to clean my machine but I may end up doing that after I arrive at the hall tomorrow.