Back to normal?

Monday, April 13, 2015

The House Concert last night (the last of the season) was a great success; another sell-out crowd with lots of familiar faces and one or two new faces as well. Several of the new folks said they looked forward to joining us for next season. We have a break now until the fall, except for a Mother’s Day concert that Pat is promoting. The musicians will stay with us (possibly for a few days), but the concert will be held at the Cranberry Hall. I might resent giving up my Mother’s Day to entertain musicians but one of them is Cindy Church (of Quartette and Lunch at Allen’s fame). I’ve seldom heard of the musicians that come through as part of the Home Routes series, but I am a fan of Cindy Church and I know I’ll be nervous having her in my house.

I managed a bit of sewing yesterday afternoon while our guests were out exploring the town. And I did a bit of sewing this afternoon after they left – taking apart some of what I did yesterday! This is a busy week (busier than usual) for us so I may not get a lot of sewing done at home. Of course there is always the Tuesday bee and I’m going on a three-day retreat starting Friday.

We’re off to the movies tonight. It is one we both wanted to see and tonight is the only free night that we have while it is on.