Time for a nap?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Old Man Luedecke (Chris Luedecke) put on a great show last night. As we were chatting over dinner he told us this was his last show of the tour and he was “up for some partying”. We invited a few folks to come to the house after the show and about a dozen folks showed up. I think everyone had a good time; we had bought snacks in our grocery shop so everyone had lots to eat and drink. The instruments didn’t come out of their cases until 11:30 so it was way past my bedtime before we went to bed.

Chris left on the first flight out this morning – he was as tired as we were. I had scored about a dozen fluorescent light bulbs (for free) from Facebook so we went out and picked them up, got some coffee, and then I helped Pat unload the sound system from the truck. After that, I mentioned to Pat that I had to keep moving or I’d fall asleep.

I finished three of my five cards for the month so I figure I’m doing very well at staying awake. I thought I’d attempt a fourth card before supper but Stacia just sent me a new technique for making blocks. I’d like to try it but I’m in no shape to learn anything new, no matter how easy the method!

There is a coffee house tonight. I haven’t been to one since Christmas so I planned to go but that was before my late night last night. I may not make it again this month.