House Tour

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Our guest doesn’t arrive until two this afternoon so there was time to do a bit of last-minute tidying this morning. While Pat got the stew in the crockpot I cleaned up the laundry room (emptied the recycle bins and the garbage). By the time I was ready to clean up the kitchen Pat had finished peeling vegetables so I didn’t have to wait.

I decided to put away our Tassimo pot because we aren’t using it much since we switched to a new drip coffee maker. That led to cleaning out a few shelves in the pantry and adding a few more less-used appliances to the hall closet. From there I rearranged the things that are left on the counter and then started to wash down cupboards. One thing always seems to lead to another when I’m cleaning up.

House Tour_1We spent a bit of time yesterday finding spots for some of my quilting projects. We hung “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends” in the laundry room. I originally thought it would replace the Mariner’s Compass (which you can see a bit of), but since there was a bare wall above the washer they are both in there.

House Tour_3It was Pat’s idea to hang My Crazy Life up the stairwell. There was room for Give and Take there as well. We both love the Elderberries and there was no way they were coming down. Pat also made a suggestion that I make a whole bunch of like-sized quilts and we could fill the whole space. I told him he should start quilting!

House Tour_2Hubble hasn’t yet found a permanent home so for now it is hanging over the railing. I think we will rearrange the quilts in our bedroom and the guest room. I still have hopes of napping under Hubble, but that white scares me!