Catching up

Monday, March 23, 2015

I feel like I have the energy to start catching up on my life again. I got Pat’s accounting off to the accountant last night so that is a big job crossed off the list. I also got a couple of things ready for the mail and dropped them at the Post Office this morning on my way to BOND. I’m later than I’d like to be in sending them and based on some of the horror stories I’ve heard at Guild (three weeks to get something to Nanaimo) I may already be late.

It was a relatively easy day at BOND – chicken caesar salad with cheese bread. It must have been good because there were only a few left-overs and they went quickly. We have a new spot for dropping our compost materials so I regularly make a stop after our lunch at one of the Community Gardens and drop off a bag or two. We used to send scraps home with one of the coordinators to feed her chickens but they moved and don’t have chicken any longer. Our small composter just isn’t big enough to accommodate all the peelings. The Community Garden is giving BOND one of their plots so the ladies will be planting a few of their own vegetables this spring.

Pat is out tonight so I have lots of time to take care of a few other jobs – some updates to the Guild blog, some Guild business, and a bit of sewing for my next mail-out project. I’ll be at the bee tomorrow but, since I didn’t unpack my car after the weekend, I don’t need to pack anything up tonight.