2015 Quilt Show – Day One

Saturday, March 15, 2015

2015 Quilt Show_1
My Crazy Life – The Past, The Present and the Future

I had very little time today to go through the show – in fact there is still one of my hangings that I haven’t yet located. I was at the hall by nine and took care of some last-minute pricing because the person in charge of the boutique didn’t show up when she was supposed to. Folks were coming in the door before we had everything marked, but then they opened the doors at least fifteen minutes early.

2015 Quilt Show_2
I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

I worked the Boutique from ten until two. After a lunch break I browsed the vendors and did a few more rows of the show. I have caught a cold – it started last night – and I really wasn’t feeling very well. I thought a cup of coffee would perk me up but after I sat to drink it all I wanted to do was put my head on the table and nap! Since I still had half an hour before my shift at the Raffle Table started I went for a short walk. I’m not sure it did me any good, but at least I kept moving.

Canadian, Eh?
Canadian, Eh?

I have a pile of work to do tonight to get everything ready to start fresh tomorrow morning. As soon as that is done I’ll have another cup of hot lemon and head for bed.