Ready, Set, Show

Friday, March 13, 2015

I had a sleepless night and an early morning. I had nothing to be worried or concerned about so I must have been excited.

I was on the road by 7:30, but just down the hill to help Carola with a few things and to load her stuff into the car. We stopped at Starbucks and took one of their big thermos/carafes full of coffee to the hall.

I checked in my quilts and boutique items and the rest of the morning was spent checking other peoples’ stuff in and then getting everything arranged nicely. I picked up a couple of wheelchairs mid-afternoon and we delivered them to the hall just before supper. I picked up the thermos/carafe and returned it to Starbucks after dinner.

And somewhere in there we managed to get signed up for the new fibre optic network, get my cash floats ready for tomorrow, and buy a new hose and a complete set of attachments for the built-in vac. I was laughing that we were probably the easiest sales those two people will make this month!

So all is ready and waiting for the doors to open tomorrow at ten (although I’ll be there by nine).