Have you got your ticket yet?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I worked a shift this morning selling raffle tickets for the quilt show. Carola and I were paired up and spent a couple of hours at the exit doors of Quality Foods. Carola was busy burying knots in one of her show quilts so I was doing the greeting and selling. Although lots of people went by, many of them had already purchased a ticket. By the end of our shift we had only sold one book of tickets, and that is because I knew the last fellow who came by. I told him he should buy one for himself and one for his wife, so he did, and that finished the book off nicely.

We did a little grocery shopping after our shift and when we got home Carola came in to see my show projects. I’m so glad I didn’t try to do too much as I can see how stressed Carola and several other ladies are.

The only other thing I accomplished today was sewing the second pair of slippers together. Since I am sending the St. Patrick’s Day projects in the mail tomorrow, I thought the slippers could go in the same parcel.

We are off to the movie tonight.