Nothing could be finer

Friday, February 27, 2015

Nothing could be finer than spending time in my chair by the window hand stitching the finishing touches on my Hubble quilt. A few cups of coffee, many thread ends, and most of the day later the quilt is done. I’ll do a posting tomorrow but for tonight I want to enjoy the moment of a finish. This is the last piece for the quilt show so I’m done with time to spare, but not enough time that I feel I should have pushed myself to finish another project.

Nothing could be finer than playing with my hexie blossoms. I’ve noticed over the past while that the fabric line I’m using for my hexies is harder and harder to find. Pat helped me coordinate the blossom groupings and after all of our switching in and out, and taking a second look at some of the colours in each blossom, I’m left with ten of the twelve flower groups that need to be adjusted. In most cases it is the centre of the flower that needs to be changed, but since all the petals are attached around the centre the entire blossom needs to be taken apart. We picked colours for the sashing and the borders and I’ll get it ordered tonight.

Nothing could be finer than anticipating an evening of knitting with a pattern I’m comfortable with. I finished the bootie for the next set of slippers last night; the change in yarn makes these a little stiffer than the first pair.

And finally, nothing could be finer than the sunny day I’ve enjoyed through the window!