Tuesday, February 24, 2015

After several days without stitching it was nice to be back at the bee today. I had several projects in my bag but my first task was to make the grocery bag holders for BOND. I couldn’t find the pattern I used when I made bags for my first craft sale but found another one that was equally good and just as quick. Each bag used a fat quarter; the sizes vary a little because I just squared up the sides and sewed them to whatever that gave me. I used pieces of binding from other projects for the handles; I’m really happy with them and, if you recognize any of those fat quarters, I thank you.
I’m usually one of the first to arrive at the bee and help set up tables, ironing boards, irons and then I make the coffee. Today I had the added task of learning the closing procedures because two of our regulars were away and their replacement had to be at home with a sick cat. Margie came and opened everything up and she was going to come back at the end of the day to lock up but I told her I would take care of that for her. That meant I had to be one of the last people out of the building; had I not had to stay so long I probably wouldn’t have finished off the bags though so it worked out well.
I had a couple of stops to make on the way home. I got buttons for the first pair of slippers and yarn for the other two pairs I need to make. It took a long time to figure out the pattern, but now that I’ve “got” it I think they will knit up quite quickly.
We’re off to another movie tonight. Yes, the film festival is over but this is the “regular” feature; we went for a couple of months without a good movie but they all seem to be happening one after another now.