Chop, chop, chop

Monday, February 23, 2015

I was back in the BOND kitchen today making Gypsy Soup. I heard someone talking about this soup (I can’t remember who or when) but when I saw soup was on today’s menu I decided to try it. It is a thick vegetable soup made with sweet potatoes, chick peas, and a few odd (at least for me) spices. It was very good and there were no left-overs for me to bring home so Pat could have a taste.

From time to time the coordinators have a quick session on a feature food; it is a nutritional program after all. Today the food was cucumber so they asked me to make a cucumber salad. I followed their recipe and it too was popular; very similar to a Greek salad but with just a lemon juice dressing.

We had the usual fruit and veggie trays, as well as a cheese and cracker plate. Lots of chopping involved and, surprisingly, a lot of dishes to do. Because of our Food Safe policy the ladies are asked to take a clean plate and/or bowl when they go back for seconds; there were so many seconds that not all the plates and bowls fit into the dishwasher. The coordinators helped out in the kitchen so even though I dropped off our peelings at the community compost I was still home at my usual time.

Spring is definitely in the air today – our first daffodil is flowering in the garden. Pat has been watching a pair of eagles across the street all day; we think they might be building a nest. If that is the case we will have a bird’s eye view using the telescope.

There is time left before dinner to pack up a few projects for the bee tomorrow. One of the ladies at BOND was admiring the fabric bag I made to hold plastic bags (for the ladies to carry left-overs home in). I told her I would make her one and she was quite overwhelmed that I would do that for her. I think since I’m making one I may as well make a few extras in case others want them.

I may be able to finish off my first set of Red Riding Hood slippers tonight (in a purple yarn) if I can find appropriate buttons.