Tuesday, February 17, 2015
I packed my bee gear late last night; I did it in a hurry which explains why I didn’t have everything I needed today. It can’t all be blamed on the lateness or speed though.
My first task was to stitch the binding pieces for my Hubble quilt. I’m not anywhere near ready for it, but I thought it was a task I could do on my smaller machine and I’d be ahead of the game when I got to that point. I was worried I wouldn’t have enough background fabric left to make the binding (350″) but I measured it out from all the bits and pieces I could find and had more than enough. Before I started sewing the pieces together I checked the bobbin thread; yes, there is plenty on the bobbin and I won’t run out. Sadly, I didn’t check to see if my sewing needle was threaded; it wasn’t, so I “sewed” eleven pieces together without any thread. Of course I was efficient and pulled out the pins as I went along. After threading the needle and restitching I felt I deserved an extra coffee break.
Next up I finished cutting the snowflakes for the Frozen quilt; I only had four left to do so it went quickly. I planned to cut the background squares one at a time and do the appliqué pieces one at a time, but I neglected to pack my stabilizer so I couldn’t do any appliqué sewing. I finished cutting out all 22 background squares though so at least I wasn’t wasting my time.
Every spring and fall the Guild, along with the Texada quilters, hold a weekend retreat. When the program was announced in the fall the retreat was intended to be held at a place more local; when the location shifted back to Texada, I didn’t think any more about it. But I realized today that Carola and I were both signed up and we were within the magic number of 20 people they have room for. I rechecked with Carola and she was still interested in going so I booked accommodation for us when I got home. I’ve never been before but I know they have oodles of fun.

One final thing about today – I found the missing clear bin; I noticed that my Frozen quilt was double binned. Does that mean I can start a new project? Maybe the pattern I picked up today (a freebie from another Guild member)!