Saturday, January 24, 2015
I spent the entire day representing the Guild at a Fibre and Fabric workshop. It would have been more enjoyable if someone had turned on some heat, but it was interesting none the less. The event was sponsored by Urban Homesteaders which, in reality, is just one man. The Guild was invited to set up a display so participants could get information about us; we wanted to use the opportunity to advertise the quilt show and sell some of our raffle tickets.
There were two sessions going on at the same time and I was able to listen in on the three sessions that were held in the main hall. The first session, Demystifying your Sewing Machine, was led by a Guild member and her husband; Shawn is one of the long-arm quilters in town and Cam is the go-to guy for sewing machine repairs and maintenance. I’ve heard them do sessions individually before and they did a fun presentation together. Next up was a session on felting; I’ve tried felting with less-than-spectacular success and I may have picked up a few pointers that would help me out should I decide to try it again. The afternoon session was devoted to off-loom weaving; it sounded like they were all having a lot of fun and catching on quickly.
The day was a bust as far as the Guild goals were concerned. No one needed any information from us as many of the instructors and participants were current or past members. I managed to sell only six raffle tickets. Was it fair that I came home with a door prize? I think so! I won a latch hooking kit, a very nice latch hooking kit, and when I opened it up the original receipt was still inside. The kit was worth over $100 in 2011; imagine how much it will be worth if I ever get it done!
I’m making a quick turnaround and will be headed back to the hall tonight for the Rick Scott concert, and then back to the hall tomorrow morning for another full day. I was able to get a lot of hand stitching done today; I’ll have to repack my bag tonight so I’ll have enough to keep me busy during the day tomorrow.