A new-old project

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Yesterday, after finishing up my Christmas projects, I looked around for my next venture. My attention was drawn to a couple of things on one of my design doors. Both were partial finishes from classes at the Guild, and both are intended to be finished for the quilt show. We have a UFO weekend coming up at the Guild next weekend and those projects will be easy to transport and work on with a noisy group so I kept looking.

Block OneI reviewed the list of things I originally intended to have done for the quilt show (it was over a year ago I made the list) and decided to work on Leanne’s Garden, a Block of the Month kit. Elizabeth helped pick it out; she’s even been holding wall space in their den for it. I finished piecing the first block when Stacia, Deloise and I were at Panorama, but I hadn’t touched it since. Each of the nine blocks are made up of mini blocks, and each of the blocks has some hand stitching or appliqué involved. I was nervous about the hand stitching and decided I needed to see how it went before deciding whether or not to focus on the project.

Block One Detail 2Block One Detail 1The stitching went quite quickly and I’m happy with the results. I’ll concentrate on getting all the blocks pieced without the hand stitching and appliqué. If necessary I can baste the blocks together for the photograph I need on the entry form and finish the hand stitching later. The pattern tells you how to quilt the piece (all straight lines) so I think it just may be possible to get it finished.