Attitude adjustment

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I got my Guild reports ready last night so I had the morning free. I did a bit of scrap fabric management; cutting small bits of fabric into even smaller squares and pressing some of the small squares that I’ve sewn together in the past few weeks.

When Pat and I saw some bins on sale yesterday I had the great idea that my fabric would be better in the bins that my wool was stored in, and the wool could go into some of the larger tubs. I started that bit of reorganization this morning. I have a bin with smallish (as opposed to small) scraps, and another one that contains all my solid fabric colours. I resorted my fabric drawers which makes it easier to see what I have. My room is a mess still, but I think I’m getting better organized.

Then it was off to the Red Cross. I’ve worried the past while about how I would tell Sheila I was leaving. How do you leave a job by saying you just don’t want to do it anymore. Although I didn’t have my excuse ready I was going to tell Sheila (the convener) today. But on my way out the door I thought about how selfish I was being – two hours (or maybe a little more) a week isn’t unreasonable, and I know it would be difficult finding a new volunteer. I’m not irreplaceable but new volunteers to the Auxiliary aren’t lining up for jobs in the Loan Cupboard.

I had to give myself a mental slap when I got to the office and saw the volunteer I worked with last time (the one that sent me over the edge). She was shadowing the morning shift. Just as that shift was about to leave a client came in with a lot of equipment; Bernadette offered to stay and help but I assured her I would be fine on my own.

When I saw Sheila I lost my nerve completely. I’ll reconsider when it comes time to pay my dues in the fall. I did tell Sheila that I didn’t want to work with Bernadette so that is progress right?

I’m off to a quilt show and business meeting for the Guild tonight. In the meantime all that shifting of wool has me anxious to try a new pattern; I found three different pastel shades (blue, pink and yellow) from Pat’s Mum’s stash and I just downloaded a baby blanket pattern this morning. I think it’s karma! Or is it kismet?