Stiles and cliffs

Thursday, October 2, 2014

We had a tour to one of the Aran Islands booked this morning so we were down at the breakfast room as soon as it opened because it was quite a long walk down to the pier. When Teresa, our host, knew where we were going she volunteered to drive us. She said we’d have a transport boat, meaning a small dinghy would take us out into the harbour to the larger tour boat. That sounded a bit dicey considering how strong the wind was blowing, but we were still up for it. Teresa dropped us at the edge of the pier and we headed down to the harbour.

When we got to the tour office they told us that, due to the weather, there would be no boats going out today. When we saw the size of the waves at sea level we could certainly understand why. It was a good walk back to the B & B but once we were away from the water the wind didn’t seem so strong.

So what now? We decided we would check out the Cliffs of Moher from the Visitors Centre and, again, Teresa offered to drive us. To get home she said we could catch a bus or cab. Pat had read about the 8+ km walk back along the cliffs; he wasn’t sure he was up to it but I could hardly wait to get started! I left it up to him and, kind soul that he is, he braved the vertigo-inducing heights, the steep and narrow path, the many stiles and the gusts of wind that nearly blew you away!

The views were spectacular and around every corner there was another photo just asking to be taken. We’re resting now, but we’ll head out later for dinner at one of the pubs and another night of music.