Which is worse?

Thursday, September 26, 2014

I finished packing last night so this morning I was able to get caught up on the after-concert tidying. As I was doing that I was cleaning for more company. We have someone staying at the house while we are away. I haven’t decided if it is easier to clean for a houseful of people for one evening, or a stranger in your house for three weeks. Time is limited (as always) so what gets done is what he gets.

Before heading out to do a few errands I sat down to read. I’m reading the Gabaldon book but it is much too heavy to take on the trip. I wanted to get to the end of a section before leaving it behind – mission accomplished.

After my errands were run I started repacking. My suitcase was under the weight limit, but it felt a little heavy to be carrying around through all the airports we’ll pass through on our way to Ireland. I took out an extra pair of shoes, a pair of pants, a shirt, and one of my sweaters.

I decided I wasn’t going to take any knitting with me, but since I now had more room in my suitcase I decided to bring it. I found it very relaxing to knit on the plane when we flew to Ontario. What isn’t relaxing is the “invisible cast-on” that I do for Pat’s socks. I had plenty of time to get the stitches I need cast on and the first row knit – in fact I cast them on a couple of times because the muscle-memory they talk about still doesn’t quite work for me.

As late as this morning we were still getting recommends from friends for places to visit. Does it say something about the country or our friends that the majority of recommendations are for pubs?

I’m ready but it is still a few hours until we need to be at the airport. So what now?