It’s all about me now

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The House Concert last night was a great success; a full house with lots of first-timers so that bodes well for future shows. Our performers were just great people as well as wonderful entertainers. We were sorry to see them leave this morning but they gave us lots of new places to add to our “Places to See in Ireland” list.

The guys left on the noon ferry and it was just shortly after that I headed upstairs to get the last of my must-dos done. My Guild reports are ready to drop off with the President and I just finished sending Pat’s year-end accounting off the the accountant. I have a few errands to run tomorrow morning, a bit of mending to do (one hem and a couple of buttons) and more laundry. Once those things are finished I can start packing.

My posts from now on may be sporadic.