Ready or not

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I managed to get another thing crossed off my list this morning before sewing. I was awake at 3:30 and noticed that Pat had left a light on in the living room when he went to bed last night. I turned it off and went back to bed, but I kept thinking of things to add to my list so at 4:30 I gave in and got up. I had Pat’s GST paperwork off to the accountant by 6:30.

I took some hexie hand stitching to work on at the bee today. Carola and I were among the first to arrive and helped set up tables, ironing boards, etc. We decided ahead of time that we would wrap things up early and we were packing up by 1:30. I needed to get home to get ready for the concert and, by leaving early, we didn’t have to do any of the “put-away” tasks.

Our guests arrived on the noon ferry and are napping just now. Supper is bubbling on the stove (pasta sauce from our very own tomatoes and basil) and as much of the set-up as we can do ahead of time is done.

So, whether or not the house is in the shape I would like it to be, I’m going to enjoy the company and some lively Irish music tonight.