Winging it

Monday, September 22, 2014

I was back in the BOND kitchen today. I left a message at the office last week asking what I was making but I didn’t get an answer back until this morning. Pasta was on the menu so I planned my recipe and made my list based on that.

When I got to the office Connie had found a recipe for Skillet Lasagna. I made lasagna once before but there really wasn’t enough time to get it prepped and cooked in the time I had. I told them that I had my pasta sauce recipe sorted out and that we didn’t have big enough skillets, but it was clear to me that Connie wasn’t budging. So I revised my list while sitting in the grocery store parking lot.

As it turned out the recipe worked out very well. I cooked up the meat in the frying pan we have, and then divided everything into two stock pots. The lasagna noodles were broken into small pieces and added to the sauce so they didn’t take as long to cook. The final step was to top the meat sauce with the cottage cheese and egg mixture. Since the mixture all had to be transferred to a serving dish there was no way to preserve the layers, so I just mixed it all together.

It was a small turn-out today and there was enough left over to stick in the freezer; it can be reheated and served on one of the weeks I’ll be away. There are still no new volunteers. They avoided my question when I asked if Marianne had been able to fill in the gaps. They were excited for me about our trip to Ireland and didn’t make me feel at all guilty.

I did a bit of grocery shopping on my way home and then started my cleaning. I did quite a bit of it this morning before leaving for BOND so the list of things that had to be done was shorter. I took a few things off the list this afternoon so now it is almost done!

If I get up early enough tomorrow I should still be able to make it to sewing!