Fun Day

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I intended to get out to the bank this morning with a Guild deposit but what is it they say about the best laid plans?

The Farmers Wife Yahoo group have started a new Block of the Week program and I thought it would be a good motivator for me. The block this week was one that I had already done, so all I needed to do was post a photo. I had to sort through all my blocks to find that specific block though. Since I could see myself having to do this every week, I arranged them according to number. By the time the blocks were put away I had given up on the Guild deposit but I did get started on some of their accounting.

I made plans with Carola to take her out for lunch today in appreciation for looking after our plants when we were in Ontario. We started with coffee at her place while she showed me all her recent fabric purchases from a trip to Vancouver and a recent Stash Reduction sale. Our first stop after that was at a wool shop way out of town, but since we were headed that way for lunch we went the extra mile. Not a lot to choose from but I bought a bit of sale yarn to make some scarves for the craft sale.

We had lunch at Skeeter Jack’s; Carola hadn’t been before and we don’t go out very often. We didn’t save room for dessert, but their dessert case looked amazing. Carola says next time we’ll go out just for dessert.

On the way back to town we stopped at both the bottle recycling and the recycling depot. The Guild is helping the 4-H sewing club with a bottle drive but Carola and I decided it was easier to take our own bottles and turn over the money. Since our curbside recycling has changed there are a lot of things that are no longer picked up, and I got rid of some paint that I’ve been carrying in the trunk of my car for almost a year.

Next stop was Galena Bay, the fabric store. Carola needed some fabric to finish a quilt top and I wanted to check out her sale fabrics. Next week they’re offering 35% off their $6.50 fabric; I came home with a couple of fat quarters so I could check a pattern to see if they would work.

Our last stop was the grocery store. Carola doesn’t have a car so she stocked up; I bought a few ingredients for tomorrow night’s Guild pot luck. Even though there is still afternoon left, I’m going to retire to the basement and finish off my yoga socks.