I think I’m almost ready

Wednesday, September 3, 2010

It’s been a busy day but I think I’ll have almost everything done by bedtime tonight. I’ve been doing laundry all day, but while the first load went through I grated the zucchini. The web said it could be grated and then frozen so that is what I did. I’ll make a loaf for our first house concert so it won’t sit for long. Next up were the tomatoes. We decided rather than canning them we would make up some pasta sauce for the freezer. We cored them, slit the skin at the bottom, put them in boiling water for about 30 seconds and then stuck them in ice water. We were both surprised at how well the peel came off. Pat added fresh basil and a pepper from the garden, as well as a few other things; we had a taste while it cooled and it is delicious!

Shortly before noon I went out to do my errands. I had some Guild business to take care of so I stopped by our President’s house. After we discussed our business she gave me a tour of her sewing room. It is a much smaller room than I have but it looked similar to how my rooms look when I’ve had a good long sewing stretch without any cleaning. I had a few cards to get into the mail and, on my way home, I stopped at WalMart to update my socks for the trip. I bought new Keen’s in Vancouver (half price) and I wanted to get some of those short socks that hardly show above the shoe (anklets I think they are called).

The real work started after lunch. I cleared away all the papers that collected last week and picked up the toys in the play room. I’m not set up for sewing yet, but it won’t take me long once I’m ready to start. I still feel a bit of sand under my feet in a few spots but that will grind in eventually, or get picked up the next time I vacuum.

The last load of laundry is in the drier so I think I’ll get started on my packing.