I wish it could always be like this

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I’ve spent all day cleaning up my studio rooms. All my sewing stuff is packed away neatly, the floors have been vacuumed, and most of the surfaces have been dusted. I won’t be sewing for a couple of weeks so it will stay clean for a little while. Once I’m back to stitching it will be a mess in no time though.

While everything was topsy-turvy I managed to do a bit of rearranging. My projects were all more or less on one side of the room with my fabric on the other side. Except I had run out of room for my fabric bins so they were scattered all over. I moved my mailing boxes and paper to a new location (under my desk) so that all the fabric bins are together beside the drawers that hold the rest of the fabric. I’m hoping that Taylor will help me sort the fabrics according to colour so I’ll be even better organized. While she and I do that I hope Dylan can make labels for all my bins.

Part of cleaning up was getting the toys within easier reach for the kids. I blew up two of the exercise balls, moved the dolls and doll carriage out of the corner and made the dollhouse more accessible. I expect we’ll be outside a lot, but Dylan will want to check out the playroom. I don’t think Taylor will remember it from her last visit. I dug out the paper-making bin because I hope to muck around a bit with that one day.

I had hoped to get some groceries this afternoon but Dan and Judy popped in for a visit and I lost my momentum. I’ll go out for them first thing in the morning and get them put away before my Red Cross shift. As soon as my shift is over and Pat’s teaching is done we’ll be heading to the ferry and our trip to Port Coquitlam.