No time for babies today

Monday, March 31, 2014

As usual after a BOND lunch I have no energy left. It was a rush to get everything done and I barely had time to eat. Minestrone soup was on the menu and there was a lot of chopping involved. By the time the soup was simmering it was time to chop vegetables for a salad. By then the ladies were arriving. I prepared the pita and hummus, along with the pickles, and the ladies started their lunch.

While they ate I prepared the fruit tray and then I had my bowl of soup. I was barely done when the guest speaker arrived so I was back in the kitchen cleaning up. And there was a lot of cleaning up to do because the dishwasher was already partially filled. I had to decide which dishes would be easier to do by hand, and which ones would be better done in the dishwasher. It took some rearranging but it worked out okay. The serving dishes and two big pots had to be done by hand too. I don’t particularly like minestrone soup but several ladies had seconds and all the leftovers were gone by the time I got out of the kitchen so I guess it was good.

So needless to say there was no time for holding babies today. A couple of the babies were very vocal and we had one little girl only 14 days old. This is a third baby for the Mum so she was willing to let go of her baby while she ate. It was one of the coordinators who got that special prize.

I took my boxes to the bus depot this morning and as I was unloading them the woman who works there told me the only accept freight if it is going to the Lower Sunshine Coast (Sechelt or Gibsons). I managed to get them sent by courier instead. I don’t know if that option was more expensive or not, but it didn’t matter as they needed to get there.

While I was cleaning my studio yesterday I packed up my supplies for tomorrow’s bee so that is ready to go. I think I have time for a nap in the sunshine before dinner.