Monday, February 17, 2014
It was a tiring day at BOND. Except for about twenty minutes when I sat for lunch, I was on my feet all day. Probably better for me than spending most of the weekend sitting on my butt at the film festival, but my back is complaining.
It was a chatty group today – it was past three and they were all still visiting. I love watching the way the group changes depending on who is in the group. The past few months we’ve had some very knowledgeable mums so the talk was all about the best practices, what their doctors have told them – educational stuff. The group we have now seem to be more into pregnancy stories and sharing their life experiences. All are fun though and I’m always sorry to see them go when they “graduate”.
We are off to the movies again tonight. The film festival is over but the regular movie is The Book Thief and this is our only opportunity. It isn’t like we can wait for a movie to come to the cheap theaters, as there is only one and we pay only $5.50 whenever we go. It is on again tomorrow but we are scheduled for Trivia Night. Our regular Cinemateque series starts again on Wednesday. No evenings at home this week until Friday, but I haven’t checked the calendar so maybe Friday is just wishful thinking.
I’d like to relax a bit longer, but I need to get packed up for the bee tomorrow.