A difference of opinion

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pat was off to Banff this morning and, although it was raining, it wasn’t foggy and his flight was able to land and take-off again.

I had a lovely long chat with Diane today. It’s her birthday and when I called (before my breakfast) they had just finished enjoying lunch at a local restaurant. Then I chatted a bit with Elizabeth. By the time those calls were done there wasn’t much morning left, but I managed to get the binding done on one small project before heading off to my Red Cross shift.

The volunteer ahead of me said she was busy and I hoped the afternoon would be quiet. It wasn’t! I had quite a bit of sorting out to do, and catch up on the data entry. I got some of the equipment washed down, but I left a bit of it for tomorrow’s shift. I was there until 4:45 and I was afraid the back door would be locked it I stayed much longer.

The convener stopped by for a few minutes. She asked if Diane (the coordinator from Nanaimo) had worked on the computer. I said no, and Sheila said the Tuesday volunteer thought it was running faster. Perhaps it was the knowledge that we’d been promised a new machine that gave her that false impression. Because today, I was so close to throwing the damned thing though the wall! I can hardly wait for the new machine to arrive (even though I’ll spend extra time doing the set up).

I’ll do a bit more hand stitching after I find myself some dinner. I don’t have to look far though as Pat made a pot of soup yesterday and I know there is some left.