Bindings and borders

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Even though I was only about fifteen minutes later than usual getting to the bee “my table” was already taken. We don’t have assigned spots, but there are some of us that tend to sit at the same spot every week. I had to take a table on the opposite side of the room, but my “new” sewing mates were still good company.

I got the Valentine projects squared up and bindings cut and attached. It took me longer to do that than I anticipated, but then things never go as fast as I would like at the end of a project. I made one error because I was paying attention to the conversation around me rather than paying attention to what I was supposed to be doing! I saved the hand stitching for my evenings at home.

Next up was the community quilt that I recently finished the quilting on. I took advantage of the larger tables and mats at the Guild and got it squared up. For every project I bind there is usually anywhere from six to many more inches left over. I’ve had those extra pieces stuffed in a drawer since my very beginning days of quilting. Because this is a scrappy quilt I decided to stitch all those pieces of binding together to use on this quilt. I have enough sewn together to hang myself, but I’m not sure if I have enough to bind the quilt! I would have liked to have stayed another hour just to finish up, but it was time to leave before I finished.

I also had my latest community quilt in my bag just in case I had time to cut the borders for it. No such luck, but it will be ready to go again next week.

We’re off to the movies tonight – The Wolf of Wall Street.