Two in one day

Monday, January 27, 2014

I spent the morning working on my Valentine projects. My original idea came from a quilting book I purchased at one of the Guild Garage sales. I’m trying to learn more about borders so, after the original blocks were done, I decided to add a three-fabric border. I had two sides done on one piece, but didn’t leave enough border to mitre the corners. I realized that my original plan wasn’t going to work.

I thought I had an alternate idea this morning, but when I went to implement it I ended up with something I didn’t like very much. So I scrapped the borders and settled on just the original blocks. Going back to the basics worked well and all three pieces are ready for binding.

I had a meeting with the Red Cross volunteers this afternoon, but decided to drop in at the BOND group on the way. Once a month the group is held at the Lutheran church. This is Marianne’s church so she usually handles those weeks. Because we picked our next few weeks without seeing the schedule I thought I might end up with the church session next month. In case that happens, I wanted to see how things work there. Also, I had a bag of socks that Christy sent back with me – she buys the cutest socks and Taylor had grown out of a number of them. When I set the bag out it took only seconds before the mums were picking through them!

The Red Cross coordinator from Nanaimo was over today to see how things were going. She got an earful about the speed of our computer before the meeting even started. She saw what we were dealing with when she tried to use it herself; we have a new computer being shipped to us this week! I think she was prepared for complaints because she brought a cake for us to share. The hospital provided coffee and tea. I remember bringing Margaret McDonald’s coffee because she couldn’t drink the coffee the hospital gave her. The coffee hasn’t improved a bit!

I had one last stop on my way home. Shortly after Christmas I ordered two Diana Gabaldon books from the library. I had forgotten how thick the books are and I had to renew one of them and return the second. I’m reading The Fiery Cross right now. I know I’ve read this one before, but it is nice to reacquaint myself with the characters.

I was hopeful I might get a pair of socks done for Pat before he leaves, but I had such a rat’s nest in one of my balls of wool that I had to spend last evening trying to sort it out. Try being the operative word, as I ended up cutting it in two spots. I may or may not sort it all out once the socks are done.

I’ll get my gear packed up for the bee tomorrow and then I’ll get back to my knitting.