
Saturday, January 25, 2014

10 inch square front10 inch square backI finished up the very last bit of quilting this morning. Since the piece is very scrappy it was hard to find a thread that would hide my quilting. The colour I chose is hidden on a few of the colours but very prominent in others. The back of the quilt gives a better look at the quilting pattern I used.

Once the quilting was done I decided to reward myself with a new project. Not a large project, and not a project that wasn’t on my list. I have been following a blog that is doing an English Paper Piecing medallion quilt that I am very interested in trying. I thought using part of the pattern on some birthday cards would be a good way to test the waters.

My English Paper Piecing is all done by hand. I created my templates, found and cut my fabrics and moved downstairs to sit in the sun for the basting and hand stitching. It seemed for a short while this morning the sun was going to burn away the fog bank we’ve been under for three days now, but before long all hint of the sun had gone and the fog had rolled in thicker than ever. In spite of that, I spent a pleasant day in my chair downstairs.

All my pieces are stitched and I may have enough time left in the day to get them stitched onto a background. The shapes I’m using are the same, but the different ways they are stitched together make then completely different.