You missed a spot

Friday, January 24, 2013

We had an appointment at the bank at ten this morning so there wasn’t much point in getting too deep into anything before then. Our business at the bank took ten minutes at the most, but with all the chatting we did (mostly Pat and Rene) it was after eleven when we left. And then it was too close to lunch to get too deep into doing anything!

I finally made it upstairs to the studio after lunch and I was determined to finish the quilting. I’d finish a couple of patches and think I was done. Then I’d check the back and see there were other patches not finished. When those were done I’d check again and find a few more spots that needed to be quilted. I finally finished late this afternoon.

I had a long chat with Alex, Will and Kathryn. Alex gave me some info on penguins, Will gave me a scientific fact about a specific kind of fish, and Kathryn and I caught up on the news. I was telling her about the quilt and I told her I’d post a photo. When I was laying the top out to take a picture of the back I noticed one small spot that was missed. It’s on an edge, and from the front I could probably get away with it but not from the back. So that will be my first sewing task for tomorrow morning.

I’m going on the hunt now for the leftover wool from Pat’s first pair of socks. He has worn a hole in the heel and I want to mend it before it gets bigger. I can find the new wool I bought in Victoria; I can find the leftover wool from my second pair of socks. Hopefully it’s laying under a pile of something else and won’t be too hard to find.