What can I do

Friday, January 3, 2014

I picked up another pizza box at the Guild meeting last night. I’d heard the Tuesday ladies talking about this particular box and I hoped it would never come my way. There were two boxes left on the table when I picked mine up and wouldn’t you know it I got the one with the Bra theme. Now how are you supposed to make a quilt block from that idea? I’m intimidated by the blocks others have made at the best of times, but clearly the folks who had this box before me are more creative and talented than I will ever be. And really, would you want this theme quilt on display in your house?

I wanted to get at my stitching this morning but by the time I did my Guild bookkeeping and found a replacement volunteer for next week’s Red Cross shift the morning was done.

I checked online and was expecting the blade sharpener for my rotary cutter to be delivered in today’s mail. When I came down from the studio for lunch and asked Pat if he had plans for the afternoon he said he was going to go for a walk. He agreed to stay home and wait for the mail while I walked up to the bank and made my Guild deposit.

I spent a lovely afternoon stitching in the sunshine and watching for the mail to come. At three I said to Pat, “It’s Friday, we never get mail on Friday”. At four I said I wonder if she came and we didn’t hear her. Sure enough, when I went downstairs the mail had been delivered and my parcel was waiting for me.

I have a new knitting pattern to try this evening. A woman in town is collecting hats on behalf of her daughter who works in one of the refugee camps in Syria. One of the quilters brought a couple of unwanted balls of wool on Tuesday so I took them and said I’d knit a couple of hats and donate them to the cause.