Saturday, December 7, 2013
We are enjoying another beautiful sunny day. The mouse kicked in a little later today, and I wonder if it is because the sun is moving towards the shortest day. Perhaps I’ll time him each day and see if his change matches the difference in sunset times. Clearly I have too much time on my hands! Once he starts to sing he is hard to stop. Normally I wouldn’t care, but Pat was napping this afternoon and I didn’t want to wake him. He’s not as fond of the mouse as I am.
I went out early this morning and got my grocery shopping done. When I arrived at the parking lot there were so few cars I thought maybe the store didn’t open as early as I thought. I guess most people just have more exciting things to do on a Saturday morning.
I tried unsuccessfully all morning to get the dishwasher to run. It is a relatively new machine, but we’ve had issues with it before. Pat usually has the magic touch to get it started but not today. I guess we’ll have to call the repair man. First I’ll have to empty it and wash those dishes by hand. I remember Dad telling us to get our hands in hot dishwater if we complained about being cold. You people in Saskatchewan and Alberta could, perhaps, use that advice.
I finished one knitting project and started another one last night. I’m enjoying sitting in the sun and knitting so much that I might spend the rest of the winter knitting. If only I could count on the sun!